Metalmeccanica Tiberina - Photovoltaic system project with a power of 762.08 kWp
The objective of the intervention is to
achieve a more efficient use of energy,
through the self-production of electricity
from renewable sources. Thanks to the
creation of the photovoltaic system with a
power of 762,08 kWp, it is possible to
achieve significant energy savings for the
structure served.
Piana Gherardo - Photovoltaic system project with a power of 156.64 kWp
The objective of the intervention is to
achieve a more efficient use of energy,
through the self-production of electricity
from renewable sources. Thanks to the
creation of the photovoltaic system with a
power of 156,64 kWp, it is possible to
achieve significant energy savings for the
structure served.