
Tiberina, basic principles and values
Priority to customer needs and expectations, being proactive and innovative, providing courses and training for all staff are our trademarks.
The “T” of Tiberina represents all our values. We look at our plant through our customer’s eyes and we are transparent in our communications. We train our collaborators and are open to change and innovation.
Code of Ethics and Conduct Read our Code of Ethics and Conduct DOWNLOAD IN PDF FORMAT r
Tiberina in the world
● Tiberina Solutions - Umbertide (PG)
Tiberina Start - Umbertide (PG)
Piana Gherardo - Umbertide (PG)
MMT Alushop – Umbertide (PG)
U.Form - Castellalto (TE)
Metalmeccanica Tiberina - Umbertide (PG)
Tiberina Sangro - Atessa (CH)
Tiberina Turin - Pinerolo (TO) / None (TO)
Tiberina Cassino - Cassino (FR)
Tiberina Suzzara - Suzzara (MN)
Tiberina Pomigliano - Pomigliano D’Arco (NA)
Tiberina Melfi - Melfi (PZ)
● Wagon Automotive Nagold - Nagold
Wagon Automotive - Bremen
Tiberina Automotive Běla - Bělá pod Bezdězem
Tiberina Otomotiv - Osmangazi - Bursa
● Tiberina Solutions LATAM - Juatuba - Minas Gerais
Tiberina Automotive MG - Juatuba - Minas Gerais
Tiberina Automotive PE - Goiana - Pernambuco
Tiberina Automotive Argentina - Córdoba

● Technical Centers
Management Model and Certifications
We are always working to achieve maximum quality for our processes and products. Tiberina’s Certifications Tiberina is a Dekra exam centre for Non-Destructive Checks and Weldings.

ISO 14001

Health and Safety
BS OHSAS 18001

Ethic and Social Responsibility
SA 8000

Information Security
ISO IEC 27001

Energy / Management
ISO 50001